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Exam Code: SC-300
Exam Name: Microsoft Identity and Access Administrator
Exam Q&As: 290 Q&As
Last update: March 09, 2025

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Acing the Microsoft SC-300 Exam with QuestionsTube

The Microsoft Identity and Access Administrator SC-300 exam is the part of the requirements for Microsoft Certified: Identity and Access Administrator Associate certification. To be Microsoft identity and access administrators, you can design, implement, and operate an organization’s identity and access management systems by using Microsoft Azure Active Directory (Azure AD), part of Microsoft Entra. The Microsoft SC-300 exam is available in multiple languages, including German, English, Spanish, French, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese (Brazil), Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional). Make sure that you can pass the SC-300 exam and earn the Microsoft Certified: Identity and Access Administrator Associate certification to promote your positions.

Microsoft Certification SC-300 Exam Skills Measured

  • Configure and manage Azure AD roles
  • Configure delegation by using administrative units
  • Analyze Azure AD role permissions
  • Configure and manage custom domains
  • Configure tenant-wide settings
  • Create, configure, and manage users
  • Create, configure, and manage groups
  • Configure and manage device join and registration, including writeback
  • Assign, modify, and report on licenses
  • Manage external collaboration settings in Azure AD
  • Invite external users, individually or in bulk
  • Manage external user accounts in Azure AD
  • Configure identity providers, including SAML or WS-Fed
  • Implement and manage Azure AD Connect
  • Implement and manage Azure AD Connect cloud sync
  • Implement and manage Password Hash Synchronization (PHS)
  • Implement and manage Pass-Through Authentication (PTA)
  • Implement and manage seamless Single Sign-On (SSO)
  • Implement and manage Federation, excluding manual AD FS deployments
  • Implement and manage Azure AD Connect Health
  • Troubleshoot synchronization errors
  • Plan Azure MFA deployment, excluding MFA Server
  • Configure and deploy self-service password reset
  • Implement and manage Azure MFA settings
  • Manage MFA settings for users
  • Extend Azure AD MFA to third party and on-premises devices
  • Monitor Azure AD MFA activity
  • Plan for authentication
  • Implement and manage authentication methods
  • Implement and manage Windows Hello for Business
  • Implement and manage password protection and smart lockout
  • Implement certificate-based authentication in Azure AD
  • Configure Azure AD user authentication for Windows and Linux virtual machines on Azure
  • Plan conditional access policies
  • Implement conditional access policy assignments
  • Implement conditional access policy controls
  • Test and troubleshoot conditional access policies
  • Implement session management
  • Implement device-enforced restrictions
  • Implement continuous access evaluation
  • Create a conditional access policy from a template
  • Implement and manage a user risk policy
  • Implement and manage sign-in risk policy
  • Implement and manage MFA registration policy
  • Monitor, investigate and remediate risky users
  • Implement security for workload identities
  • Assign Azure roles
  • Configure custom Azure roles
  • Create and configure managed identities
  • Use managed identities to access Azure resources
  • Analyze Azure role permissions
  • Configure Azure Key Vault RBAC and policies
  • Discover and manage apps by using Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps
  • Configure connectors to apps
  • Implement application-enforced restrictions
  • Configure conditional access app control
  • Create access and session policies in Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps
  • Implement and manage policies for OAUTH apps
  • Configure and manage user and admin consent
  • Discover apps by using ADFS application activity reports
  • Design and implement access management for apps
  • Design and implement app management roles
  • Monitor and audit activity in enterprise applications
  • Design and implement integration for on-premises apps by using Azure AD application proxy
  • Design and implement integration for SaaS apps
  • Provision and manage users, groups, and roles on Enterprise applications
  • Create and manage application collections
  • Plan for application registrations
  • Implement application registrations
  • Configure application permissions
  • Implement application authorization
  • Plan and configure multi-tier application permissions
  • Manage and monitor applications by using App governance
  • Plan entitlements
  • Create and configure catalogs
  • Create and configure access packages
  • Manage access requests
  • Implement and manage terms of use
  • Manage the lifecycle of external users in Azure AD Identity Governance settings
  • Configure and manage connected organizations
  • Review per-user entitlements by using Azure AD Entitlement management
  • Plan for access reviews
  • Create and configure access reviews for groups and apps
  • Create and configure access review programs
  • Monitor access review activity
  • Respond to access review activity, including automated and manual responses
  • Plan and manage Azure roles in Privileged Identity Management (PIM), including settings and assignments
  • Plan and manage Azure resources in PIM, including settings and assignments
  • Plan and configure Privileged Access groups
  • Manage PIM requests and approval process
  • Analyze PIM audit history and reports
  • Create and manage break-glass accounts
  • Design a strategy for monitoring Azure AD
  • Review and analyze sign-in, audit, and provisioning logs by using the Azure Active Directory admin center
  • Configure diagnostic settings, including Log Analytics, storage accounts, and Event Hub
  • Monitor Azure AD by using Log Analytics, including KQL queries
  • Analyze Azure AD by using workbooks and reporting in the Azure Active Directory admin center
  • Monitor and improve the security posture by using the Identity Secure Score

Focus on the SC-300 exam materials of QuestionsTube Now. We have the latest study materials with actual questions and answers to ensure that you can pass the Microsoft SC-300 exam successfully. All the SC-300 questions and answers are based on the exam topics to make you have a deep understanding and pass smoothly.

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