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Exam Code: D-PM-IN-23
Exam Name: Dell Technologies PowerMax Install 2023
Exam Q&As: 72 Q&As
Last update: January 28, 2025
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Acing the DELL EMC D-PM-IN-23 Exam with QuestionsTube
The Dell PowerMax Install 2023 certification, introduced by DELL EMC, covers PowerMax family storage arrays installation. The required product knowledge includes the ability to perform storage array installation, identify the main system components, comprehend different system configurations, cabling, racking and power options, and download and use the tools required for installation. To obtain the Dell PowerMax Install 2023 certification, you must meet the following requirements:
1. Acquire adequate knowledge and skills through hands-on experience with the product or by completing the recommended training.
2. Successfully pass the Dell PowerMax Install 2023 Exam (D-PM-IN-23).
For thorough preparation for the D-PM-IN-23 Dell PowerMax Install 2023 Exam, it is highly recommended to access the most up-to-date D-PM-IN-23 exam materials provided by QuestionsTube.
Read DELL EMC D-PM-IN-23 Exam Topics
- Describe PowerMax family configuration options – PowerMax 2500 and 8500
- Summarize PowerMax Family software offerings – PowerMaxOS 10
- Identify use cases for PowerMaxOS 10
- Compare and contrast PowerMax 2500 and 8500 models
- Explain PowerMax 2500 and 8500 bay configurations, system connectivity, and Flexible RAID
- Locate PowerMax 2500 and 8500 hardware components
- Explain PowerMaxOS 10 serviceability access and activities
- Identify and locate the main components of PowerMax 2500 and 8500 models – Node overview, Node pair components, physical and logical ports, DMEs and access modules
- Explain PowerMaxOS 10 operational environment – Emulation, Flexible RAID, D@RE, Inline De-dupe and compression, GuestOS and 2500/8500 Fabric
- Discuss PowerMax 2500 and 8500 system configurations and rack dispersion
- Explain and identify PowerMax 2500 and 8500 cabling – Configuration, fabric diagrams, service and power cables
- Select PowerMax 2500 and 8500 power supplies and options, Dell and third-party racking
- Prepare for installation – site readiness, HW tools, acclimatize time, single-phase and three-phase power specifications and PowerMax 2500 and 8500 power distribution
- Obtain and use required software tools and credentials for installing a PowerMax 2500 and 8500 array – Solve Online, Procedure Generator, Central manager, CS Tunnel Manager, Simplified Symmwin and Install Script
- Demonstrate the use of Simplified Symmwin scripts and tools to perform a PowerMax 2500 and 8500 installation
- Identify and locate the main components of PowerMax 2000 and 8000 models – system overview, components, physical and logical ports, DAEs and access modules
- Explain and identify PowerMax 2000 and 8000 cabling – Configuration, fabric diagrams, service, and power cables
- Obtain and use required software tools and credentials for upgrading a PowerMax 2000 and 8000 array – Solve Online, Procedure Generator, Simplified Symmwin and Install Script
- Demonstrate the use of Simplified Symmwin scripts and tools to perform a PowerMax 2000 and 8000 upgrade
Focus on the D-PM-IN-23 exam materials of QuestionsTube Now. We have the latest study materials with actual questions and answers to ensure that you can pass the DELL EMC D-PM-IN-23 exam successfully. All the D-PM-IN-23 questions and answers are based on the exam topics to make you have a deep understanding and pass smoothly.
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