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Exam Code: CCFR-201
Exam Name: CrowdStrike Certified Falcon Responder
Exam Q&As: 60 Q&As
Last update: February 03, 2025
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Acing the CrowdStrike CCFR-201 Exam with QuestionsTube
Passing the CrowdStrike Certified Falcon Responder (CCFR) is the final step toward the completiong of CCFR certification. It will evaluate your knowledge, skills and abilities to respond to a detection within the CrowdStrike Falcon console. Take the CCFR-201 exam to achieve success now. The CCFR-201 exam is a 90-minute, 60-question assessment, all the questions have been specifically written in a way that eliminates tricky wording, double negatives, and/or fill-in-the-blank type questions.
Read CrowdStrike CCFR-201 Exam Topics
- Use MITRE ATT&CK information within Falcon to provide context to a detection
- Explain what information the MITRE ATT&CK framework provides
- Recommend courses of action based on the analysis of information provided within the Falcon platform
- Explain what general information is on the Detections dashboard
- Explain what information is in the Activity > Detections page
- Describe the different sources of detections within the Falcon platform
- Interpret the data contained in Host Search results
- Interpret the data contained in Hash Search results
- Demonstrate how to pivot from a detection to a Process Timeline
- Explain what contextual event data is available in a detection (IP/DNS/Disk/etc.)
- Explain how detection filtering and grouping might be used
- Explain when to use built-in OSINT tools
- Explain the difference between Global vs. Local Prevalence
- Explain what Full Detection Details will provide
- Explain how to get to Full Detection Details
- Analyze process relationships using the information contained in the Full Detection Details
- Explain what type of data the View As Process Tree, View As Process Table and View As Process Activity provide
- Explain how to identify managed/unmanaged Neighbors for an endpoint during a Host Search
- Explain the purpose of assigning a detection to an analyst
- Triage a non-Falcon Indicator of Compromise (IOC) in the Falcon UI
- Describe what the different policies (Block, Block and Hide Detection, Detect Only, Allow, No Action) do
- Explain the effects of allowlisting and blocklisting
- Explain the effects of machine learning exclusion rules
- Explain the effects of Sensor Visibility exclusions
- Explain the effects of IOA exclusions
- State the retention period for quarantined files
- Describe what happens when you release a quarantined file
- Download a quarantined file
- Based on a detection, determine which investigate tools, e.g., host, hash, etc., to use based on best practices
- Perform an Event Search from a detection and refine a search using event actions
- Explain what event actions do
- Explain key event types
- Explain what information a process Timeline will provide
- Explain what information a Host Timeline will provide
- Describe the process relationship (Target/Parent/Context)
- Retrieve the information required to generate a Process Timeline
- Demonstrate how to get to a Process Explorer from a Event Search
- Find quarantined files
- Export detection and process data from Full Detection Details for further review
- Explain what information is in the Detection Activity Report
- Describe what information is in the Executive Summary Dashboard
- Describe what information is in the Detection Resolution Dashboard
- Explain what information a User Search provides
- Explain what information a IP Search provides
- Explain what information a Hash Executions (Search) provides
- Explain what information a Hash Search provides
- Explain what information a Bulk Domain Search provides
Focus on the CCFR-201 exam materials of QuestionsTube Now. We have the latest study materials with actual questions and answers to ensure that you can pass the CrowdStrike CCFR-201 exam successfully. All the CCFR-201 questions and answers are based on the exam topics to make you have a deep understanding and pass smoothly.
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