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Exam Code: 5V0-42.21
Exam Name: VMware SD-WAN Design and Deploy Skills
Exam Q&As: 52 Q&As
Last update: February 21, 2025

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Acing the VMware 5V0-42.21 Exam with QuestionsTube

The 5V0-42.21 VMware SD-WAN Design and Deploy Skills Exam is the requirement for VMware SD-WAN Design and Deploy Skills 2023 certification. It proves that you have the knowledge, skills, and abilities to deploy a VeloCloud SD-WAN. 5V0-42.21 is a 52-question exam, the exam duration is 115 minutes. Currently, the VMware SD-WAN Design and Deploy Skills Exam 5V0-42.21 is only available in English.

Read VMware 5V0-42.21 Exam Objectives

  • Identify the benefits and key differentiators of VMware SD-WAN.
  • Identify use cases of VMware SD-WAN.
  • Identify how SDN relates to the VMware SD-WAN technology.
  • Identify the protocols and part numbers used in the communication between VMware SD-WAN components.
  • Identify the various modes of deployment for the VMware SD-WAN architecture.
  • Identify use cases when the Partner Gateway should be used.
  • Given a scenario, identify how to design SD-WAN to meet the customer’s requirements.
  • Identify Edge HA options and operations.
  • Identify characteristics of clustering.
  • Given a Gateway deployment scenario, identify the design option that should be used.
  • Given an Edge deployment scenario, identify the design option that should be used.
  • Given a deployment scenario, identify the routing design options that should be used.
  • Identify the form factors for VMware SD-WAN in the SD-WAN architecture.
  • Given a scenario about sizing and scaling, identify aspects that should be considered.
  • Identify the functionality of the SD-WAN Gateway handoff implementation.
  • Given a customer scenario, identify which Partner Gateway redundancy should be chosen.
  • Identify the key components of the VMware SD-WAN in the SD-WAN architecture.
  • Identify the roles of key components of the VMware SD-WAN in the SD-WAN architecture.
  • Identify the roles and assignments of VMware SD-WAN Gateways.
  • Identify how High Availability is configured in VMware SD-WAN architecture.
  • Given a Gateway deployment scenario, identify the deployment steps.
  • Given an Edge deployment scenario, identify the deployment steps.
  • Given a scenario about managing a Gateway, identify the required configuration that should be used.
  • Given a scenario about managing Edges, identify the required configuration that should be used.
  • Identify the user types, roles, and privileges.
  • Given an update scenario, identify the sequence of the upgrade components in the process.
  • Given an application, identify the criteria VMware SD-WAN uses to identify the application.
  • Given a business policies requirement scenario, identify how to direct internet traffic.
  • Given a business policies requirement scenario, identify which link steering method should be used.
  • Given an application, identify how on-demand remediation and link aggregation is applied.
  • Given a business policies requirement scenario, identify how to use the QoS overlay options that should be used.
  • Given a business policies requirement scenario, identify how to set up NAT.
  • Given a scenario, identify the CloudVPN options and settings that should be used.
  • Identify the characteristics of the PKI implementation
  • Given a scenario, identify the managing options that should be used for securing internet traffic using service chaining.
  • Given a scenario, identify when and how segmentation should be used.
  • Given a scenario, identify when and how to use the built in stateful firewall and/or VNF.

Focus on the 5V0-42.21 exam materials of QuestionsTube Now. We have the latest study materials with actual questions and answers to ensure that you can pass the VMware 5V0-42.21 exam successfully. All the 5V0-42.21 questions and answers are based on the exam topics to make you have a deep understanding and pass smoothly.

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