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Exam Code: 5V0-31.23
Exam Name: VMware Cloud Foundation Deployment Specialist
Exam Q&As: 187 Q&As
Last update: February 21, 2025

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Acing the VMware 5V0-31.23 Exam with QuestionsTube

To earn the VMware Certified Specialist – VMware Cloud Foundation Deployment 2024 (VCS-VCFD 2024) certification, one must pass the 5V0-31.23 VMware Cloud Foundation Deployment Specialist exam. This certification primarily verifies your proficiency in VMware Cloud Foundation’s capabilities and your ability to effectively plan, deploy, manage, and operate such a deployment. It also confirms your understanding of the VMware Cloud Foundation architecture, storage and network management, workload domains, and workload and lifecycle management. The 5V0-31.23 exam, which is comprised of 70 questions and takes 105 minutes to finish, is currently offered only in English.

Read VMware 5V0-31.23 Exam Objectives

  • Identify VMware Cloud Foundation components and architecture
  • Identify VMware Cloud Foundation+ components and architecture
  • Identify VMware Cloud Gateway components and architecture in relation to VMware Cloud Foundation
  • Identify NSX components and architecture in relation to VMware Cloud Foundation
  • Identify vSAN components and architecture in relation to VMware Cloud Foundation
  • Identify use cases for vSphere with Tanzu in VMware Cloud Foundation
  • Identify the deployment function of VMware Cloud Builder
  • Given a scenario, identify the steps to configure NSX Federation in VMware Cloud Foundation
  • Given a scenario, identify the steps to configure NSX Multi-Rack in VMware Cloud Foundation
  • Given a scenario, identify NSX Edge cluster deployment considerations
  • Identify the steps to deploy NSX Edge clusters
  • Given a scenario, identify the storage options for VMware Cloud Foundation
  • Given a scenario, identify suitable storage policies for a VMware Cloud Foundation workload domain
  • Given a scenario, identify the steps to configure a vSAN stretched cluster in VMware Cloud Foundation
  • Given a scenario, identify how to configure user access to VMware Cloud Foundation
  • Identify the available Certificate Authority options in SDDC Manager
  • Identify the steps to install and replace certificates for VMware Cloud Foundation including supported components and options
  • Given a scenario, identify how to manage passwords in VMware Cloud Foundation including supported components and options
  • Given a scenario, identify how to apply a license to a VMware Cloud Foundation component
  • Given a scenario, identify how to apply a subscription-based license to VMware Cloud Foundation+
  • Determine when and how to use the SDDC API.
  • Identify the function of vSphere Lifecycle Management in VMware Cloud Foundation
  • Identify the components that can be supported and upgraded using SDDC manager / VMware Cloud Foundation Lifecycle management
  • Given a scenario, identify available options for online and offline bundle download using SDDC manager / VMware Cloud Foundation Lifecycle management
  • Given a scenario, identify how to upgrade VMware Cloud Foundation software and components
  • Identify how to upgrade for VMware Cloud Foundation components
  • Identify the use case and purpose of the VMware Cloud Foundation async patch tool
  • Identify steps in the SDDC Manager backup and restore process
  • Identify the steps to gracefully shut down/power on a VMware Cloud Foundation environment
  • Identify the steps to configure application virtual networks in the VCF management domain
  • Identify the steps to configure Aria Suite Lifecycle in VMware Cloud Foundation
  • Identify the steps to create a workload domain
  • Given a scenario, identify the steps to scale a workload domain
  • Identify the steps to delete a workload domain
  • Given a scenario, identify the steps to commission and decommission hosts for re-use
  • Given a scenario, identify the control plane VM management networking requirements
  • Given a scenario, identify the appropriate IP address CIDR ranges for pod, ingress, and egress networking
  • Given a scenario, identify the steps to configure vSphere with Tanzu in VMware Cloud Foundation
  • Identify the steps to create a vSphere with Tanzu Supervisor namespace
  • Identify the steps to configure limits and permissions for a vSphere with Tanzu Supervisor namespace
  • Identify the steps to perform checks and create log bundles with the SoS tool

Focus on the 5V0-31.23 exam materials of QuestionsTube Now. We have the latest study materials with actual questions and answers to ensure that you can pass the VMware 5V0-31.23 exam successfully. All the 5V0-31.23 questions and answers are based on the exam topics to make you have a deep understanding and pass smoothly.

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