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Exam Code: JN0-213
Exam Name: Cloud, Associate (JNCIA-Cloud)
Exam Q&As: 65 Q&As
Last update: October 16, 2024

Product Description

Acing the Juniper JN0-213 Exam with QuestionsTube

You may be familiar with the Juniper Cloud certification track. It enables you to demonstrate competence with cloud networking architectures such as multiclouds, software-defined networking, SD-WAN, and other cloud technologies. Currently, four levels are available for Cloud certification track:

  • Cloud, Associate (JNCIA-Cloud)
  • Cloud, Specialist (JNCIS-Cloud)

The written exam for Juniper JNCIA-Cloud certification is JN0-213 exam, which verifies your understanding of cloud-based networking principles and technologies. The real JN0-213 exam contains 65 multiple-choice questions and lasts 90 minutes.

Read Juniper JNCIA-Cloud JN0-213 Exam Objectives

  1. Deployment models (public/private/hybrid cloud)
  2. Service models: Software as a Service (SaaS) Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS)
  3. Cloud-native architectures
  4. Cloud automation tools
  5. Cloud Infrastructure: Networks Functions Virtualization (NFV) and SDN
  6. NFV architecture
  7. NFV orchestration
  8. Virtualized network functions (VNFs)
  9. SDN architecture
  10. SDN controller
  11. SDN solutions
  12. Network Virtualization
  13. Virtual network types
  14. Underlay and overlay networks
  15. Encapsulation and tunneling (MPLS over GRE/MPLS over UDP/VXLAN/EVPN with VXLAN/GENEVE)
  16. Cloud Virtualization
  17. Linux architecture
  18. Hypervisor type (type 1 and 2)
  19. Hypervisor operations and concepts
  20. Kernal-based virtual machine (KVM), Quick Emulator (QEMU) concepts and operations
  21. Creation of virtual machines (VMs)
  22. Container versus VM
  23. Container components
  24. Creation of containers using Docker
  25. Cloud Orchestration with OpenStack
  26. Creation and management of VMs in OpenStack
  27. Automation using HEAT templates in Yet Another Markup Language (YAML)
  28. OpenStack UI usage
  29. OpenStack networking plugins
  30. OpenStack security groups
  31. Cloud Orchestration with Kubernetes
  32. Creation and management of containers in Kubernetes
  33. Kubernetes API Objects (Pods, ReplicaSets, Deployments, Services)
  34. Kubernetes namespaces and Container Network Interface (CNI) plug-ins
  35. Cloud Orchestration with OpenShift
  36. Creation, management, and monitoring of OpenShift workloads
  37. Navigation of the OpenShift CLI or WebUI
  38. Node types (provisioner and control plane)
  39. Network types (routable, provisioning, management)
  40. Cloud-Native Contrail Networking (CN2)
  41. Architecture (inter-component communications)
  42. Orchestrator integration
  43. CN2 features
  44. Basic configuration

Focus on the JN0-213 exam materials of QuestionsTube Now. We have the latest study materials with actual questions and answers to ensure that you can pass the Juniper JN0-213 exam successfully. All the JN0-213 questions and answers are based on the exam topics to make you have a deep understanding and pass smoothly.

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As an online learning platform, we at QuestionsTube are committed to providing quality learning materials to our students. We recently received great feedback from one of our students, Helen, about our JN0-213 exam materials. Helen praised the practicality of our JN0-213 exam materials. She mentioned that the materials were easy to understand and apply in real-life situations. At QuestionsTube, we aim to provide practical knowledge that students can apply in their professional lives. This feedback validates our efforts to provide materials that are not only relevant to the exam but also to the industry. Another aspect of our JN0-213 exam materials that Helen appreciated was the clarity and conciseness of the content. She mentioned that the materials were well-organized, making it easy to find specific information. We understand that studying for exams can be overwhelming, so we strive to make our materials as clear and concise as possible. This feedback from Helen shows that our efforts are paying off.

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